I have a long history of working with children, young adults, adults, elderly, people with special needs, their parents, carers, teachers and support staff.
After almost a decade working as a corporate greeting card designer, textile pattern designer and fashion merchandising with Metrojaya Berhad (one of Malaysia’s leading departmental stores then), I left my high-profile job to work in Daybreak Centre and Association of the Network for the Needs of Children with Disabilities, Perak, Malaysia.
The position required me to teach, facilitate, provide support and counsel parents and carers with children with disabilities. Undoubtedly, the stint in Daybreak Center uncovered my hidden talent. I have not looked back since.
Subsequently, I moved to South London and worked for 8 years in a L’Arche Community where people with and without learning difficulties shared lives together, supporting in their daily lives at home and at work.
Later, I joined CareUK in Southwest London, a well renowned company which supports elderly people who have dementia and nursing care needs. My responsibilities included planning, organizing, teaching, facilitating daily creative activities and special events. I was instrumental in providing better communication which led to initiating and producing personalised person-centered photo journal for 99 residents and their families, visitors and people who supported them daily.
By training, I studied art and designing specialising in graphic arts and ceramics. Later I developed a keen interest in using art and creativity as remedial and counselling tools. During my career in the United Kingdom, I then trained in health and social care, art and spirituality and psychosynthesis.
I am interested in individual & community empowerment. Very involved in my own and other people’s development, transformation, journey, healing and growth. Loves capturing life stories, beauty & moments.
In 2005, I rekindled my passion in art again.
Since 2015, I write person-centered mindful art programmes, organises and faclitates mindful art private sessions, workshops and retreats for individuals, special interest groups (schools, support groups & etc.) and companies.
I have exhibited my artwork at various galleries (UK) and commissioned to produce artwork, mural and ceramic ware (Malaysia & UK).
In 2018, I became a resident artist with C.Pariz Museo De Arte in Lajoskomarom, Hungary where my most recent artworks are showcased here. Opens only 4 months over summer holidays in Europe.
Recently, I ventured into a partnership with Peter W, an artist and Director of Mein Ding Gallery Studio in Malaysia and C.Pariz Museo De Arte in Hungary where my most recent artworks are showcased together with other artists.
Early 2019, I held my 1st Solo Art Exhibition 'Dream within a Dream' where I believe we are a 'Community of Hosts' - we are the connections between each other, our environment and the nature around us.
Subsequently, I participated in 'ArtEDecor Exhibition' in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and 'The Art Showdown' Art Exhibition in Penang, Malaysia.
Since 2019, I curated 'FATE: 3 Women 3 Vision 1 Exhibition' in Ipoh, Malaysia ; 'Resurrected: A Radiant Awakening' Solo Exhibition by Elaine Wong ; 'Laa Leee Loooo Out of the Box' Solo Art Exhibition by Peter W and most recently 'IMPACT' Exhibition & Celebrate Life in Ipoh, Malaysia.